Our Supplier Kentwood Floors!!


This month we’d love to introduce to you, in more depth, another supplier that we work with- Kentwood Floors. As we’ve mentioned before, we love it when a supply company makes it virtually impossible to not to partner up with them. Below you will find our top three reasons we loved this supply company right from the start!

1.Kentwood Floors believes in quality. Since it’s start in 2003, Kentwood Floors has made it it’s number one priority to provide quality flooring. So many suppliers in today’s market take quality for granted, but they definitely wanted to separate themselves from the others. Kentwood Floors knows that the best form of advertising a company can have is a well-made product that satisfies the customer.

2. They are environmentally friendly! This is such a huge factor for us when deciding to partner up with a supply company. It’s important to not only provide quality flooring that lasts, but to provide flooring that doesn’t harm the environment. Kentwood Floors makes real wood floors that come from a natural and renewable source. Every product that Kentwood Floors sells goes through a process to ensure it meets their rigid standards for both quality and sustainability.

3. Kentwood Floors is FSC Certified. The Forest Stewardship Council is a non-profit organization dedicated to encouraging responsible management of the worlds forests. In the last twenty years, it has become one of the most respected and recognized certification programs.

We’re here to find a flooring option that best suits your needs and our experts here have all the answers to your questions. Give Smith Bros a call to find out what Kentwood flooring options are available to your home today!

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