Difference in Quality of Hardwood Flooring

Difference in Quality of Hardwood Flooring - Smith Bros Floors - Hardwood Flooring Calgary

While most people might believe that the difference in quality of varying types of hardwood is quite minimal, this is certainly not true. Different woods vary greatly in quality, and even the same wood from different sources can be quite variable in their overall quality.

At Smith Brothers, we have been serving the Greater Calgary area for more than 100 years, and we know what high-quality hardwood looks like when we see it. This is why we sell and install nothing but the highest quality in hardwood for each and every one of our clients.

When selecting hardwood for your new floors, it’s important to have an experienced professional at your side. It can also help to refine your own knowledge so that you have a better idea of what you’re looking at when examining various wood samples.

If you’re searching for high-quality hardwood for your new floors, you should trust the dedicated team at Smith Brothers Flooring. If you’re looking to become more knowledgeable about different types of hardwood, check out these tips to help your distinguish the differences in quality of varying hardwood types:

Respect the Grade 

When looking through samples, it’s important to decide on a grade that will help you create the look you want. When the wood actually arrives to your home in boxes, make sure the grade matches what you saw in the samples you examined. Every unique grade has its own important characteristics that will ultimately help you get the style you’re looking for. 

Look for “Straight and Uniform” 

Take a few planks out of the box and lay them out on the floor to make sure they fit together as they should. If the planks are the quality you’re looking for, they will fit together with ease and there shouldn’t be any variation in thickness. 

Inspect V Joints 

When you place two planks together, the boards form V joints at the point where they meet. It’s important to make sure that these joints are not too deep, as this can lead to excessive amounts of dust and dirt building up, which will ultimately make your floors harder to properly care for. 

Examine Finished Quality 

A durable, high-quality finish is ultimately determined by the quality of the polyurethane and the careful touch with which it is applied. Make sure the bottom of each joint is adequately coated with varnish or it will be prone to collecting dirt and water, which will cause your floors to darken prematurely.

Finish should also be applied in the right amount, which is a delicate balance between too thin and too thick. Proper finish application will help you avoid a plastic effect and allow the natural beauty of your hardwood floors to shine through. 

While it might seem like there are many factors that impact the quality of your hardwood, you shouldn’t overburden yourself trying to figure out what a professional can so easily just tell you! If you’re looking for new hardwood floors, be sure to give the experienced team at Smith Brothers Flooring a call at 1-403-255-7791 today!

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